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I'm Gigi Nagel and I've always been passionate about fashion and design for my whole life.

A little over a year ago, I was asked to help a dear friend with decorating her home, which turned into a year-long project of transforming her whole house and her first-grade classroom.  When I walked into her house for the first time I was amazed how such simple changes could transform a house into a beautiful, warm, and welcoming home.  In this case, we didn't have to buy all new furniture or decor, instead, we kept most of the core elements but updated and rearranged the living spaces.  Design doesn't come easy to everyone, and to many, it's even a seemingly impossible task, but during this time, I realized I have the gift of design and want to help others see their potential.

Whether you're overwhelmed in what would look good in your space or just too busy,
I'm here to help you out!

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